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Letzte Änderung: 07.05.2011

The reporter on the road.                                                 (Foto: Robert Eberlein)

5th LGA-Indoor-Marathon
Nov. 08, 2009



 (Report+fotos by Erwin Bittel)

55x stairs down, 55x stairs up.


Marathon running is very dangerous


Oh, you know this, and you nod your head and you agree with it? Good.
Hello you critical reader! Well, you might not get me right.
I talk about risk for your life, not for your health.

In this country now it is cold, windy and rainy. Slippery ways all over. So today I went to a marathon. I was well prepared.

There in the LGA section of Nuremberg I met many friends. We wanted to run a good run. So let me tell you how it was.

was around 4°C in Nuremberg. Too cold. And after a short while it started raining on us. I don’t like running in the rain. Then heavy wind + storm came up. I don’t like that.

Then we soon had to pass over roots. I almost broke my leg. And dirt + mud was everywhere. It became so slippery. I absolutely don’t like that.

And the way was full of stones. And always one went into my shoe. I hate that. And all the cars passed by so closely, they made me wet all over. And I absolutely … you know.

This was not all. Imagine, every 4 minutes crazy people wanted to cross our way, wanted to hit us with sticks. We had to defend ourselves.
And later we had to fight animals (bears and elephants)! This was the worst marathon I ever had!

So why run here? Can anybody tell me, why run here?

You don’t believe me? Okay, you have a right to see the pictures. Here they are.

The pictures

Me, meeting friends: Mr. O. Schuberth...

...Mr. R. Penalba + Mr. F.U. Etzrodt...

...Mr. J. Brosig... (see his own report here in German)

...Mrs. J. Haeussler + Mr. you know...

...and Mr. Fakir J. Kauk (now meditating), who will run barefoot...

...always behind Mrs. you know.

Friends meeting friends, talking before the race.

We all have this official VIP Lounge tattoo.

The big screen will always show how far we have run already.


Special filtered water for the runners...

...distributed here.

Welcome + informations before the start.

The "time-gates".



The famous radio speaker Mr. Markus Othmer gives the "Go"

And off we go...

...down the stairs...

...around the 180° curves...

...along the alley...

...and more alley...

...around the 90° food curve...

...have a drink or a snack.

Not a bedroom. This is the stairs.

No go area? But I need a bush !

Oops, I am lost. Dead end street ! Its a bit a labyrinth.

Back on the trail: Two way traffic.

Mr. O. Smallfoot (its his real name).

Mr. R. Penalba fighting all the obstacles...

...like this sexy girl in white skirt (Mrs. A. Kinle from Down-Syndrom run club)

Heavy traffic all over...

...even really big trucks... That is dangerous!

High risk of life: Race cars crossing!

Some car must have gone across his bleeding feet! 

Mr. F.U. Etzrodt also hit by something, had to get out of the marathon (really).

They are lucky, because they dont run?

He also was in danger...

...little Mr. T.B. Kinle. But he survived it (member of  Down Syndrom run club).

That is maximum danger. Attacks by bears and elephants!  You see?

And also agressive big birds!

That is serious! Says also Mrs. A. Kinle.

A group of crazy people tries to block our way...

...even want to hit us with sticks !

Co-organisator Mr. T. Kinle + organisator Mrs. P. Schuster are happy nobody died.

Mother saved daughter from the animal attack.

The reporter + Mrs. you know: Two of the lucky 130 survivors.

She survived. What does Mrs. J. Haeussler say? 

Price giving for the Down Syndrom team.

Money for the first 3 ladies.

The Heroes. Didn't I say marathon is dangerous?

He survived, because he was faster than the cars.

She survived because she was smaller than the others.

The nurses from PhysioRelax are taking care...

...of the runners that were hit by something.

Only cake can make Mr. O. Smallfoot happy in the end...

...now, as this marathon is over.

Mr. R. Penalba has exactly the same opinion.

And so does Mrs. J. Haeussler, the fastest mouse outside of Mexico.
Now be prepared for the very sad part.
One could not be here 2009.
Mr. Z. Pumuckl, the funny barfoot runner from 2008.
So "in memoriam" I took off my shoes
and went 1 round for him.


Like Mr. Z. Pumuckl in 2008, I run barefoot...

...because we miss him!

Informations: indoor-marathon.lga.de (Limited number of runners: marathon 59, half marathon 44, team marathon 28)

If you want to know more about this race, learn German and read below
("Earlier LGA reports").

Your very angry marathon race reporter,

Mr. E.L. Bittel

Earlier LGA reports: One-armed bandits + cake and Xmas in a hamster wheel and Samba Brazil
More 2009 LGA reports: Mr. J.Brosigs report  




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